Ribbons Included
- Member of the Order of Canada (CM)
- Commander of the Order of Military Merit (CMM)
- Star of Military Valour (SMV)
- Star of Courage (SC)
- Meritorious Service Cross (MSC)
- Sacrifice Medal (SM) with Silver Leaf
- Gulf and Kuwait Medal with Silver Leaf
- Somalia Medal
- South-West Asia Service Medal (SWASM) with Sheild & Silver Leaf
- General Campaign Star – ALLIED FORCE (GCS-AF) with Silver & Gold Leaf
- General Campaign Star – SOUTH-WEST ASIA (GCS-SWA) with Red Leaf
- General Campaign Star – EXPEDITION (GSM-EXP) with Red Leaf
- General Service Medal – ALLIED FORCE (GCS-AF) with Red Leaf
- General Service Medal – SOUTH-WEST ASIA (GCS-SWA) with Silver & Gold Leaf
- General Service Medal – EXPEDITION (GSM-EXP) with Red Leaf
- Operational Service Medal – South-West Asia (OSM-SWA) with Red Leaf
- Operational Service Medal – Sierra Leone (OSM-SL) with Red Leaf
- Operational Service Medal – Haiti (OSM-H) with Red Leaf
- Operational Service Medal – Sudan (OSM-S) with Red Leaf
- Operational Service Medal – HUMANITAS (OSM-HUM) with Red Leaf
- Operational Service Medal – EXPEDITION (OSM-EXP) with Red Leaf
- Special Service Medal (SSM) with Red Leaf
- Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM)
- UN Emergency Force (UNEF)
- UN Good Offices Mission in Afghanistan & Pakistan (UNGOMAP)
- UN Organization in Congo (ONUC)
- UN Yemen Observer Mission (UNYOM)
- UN Forces in Cyprus (UNIFICYP) with Silver 3
- UN Emergency Force Middle East (UNEFME)
- UN Disengagement Observation Force (UNDOF) with Silver 3
- UN Military Observation Group in Iran – Iraq (UNIIMOG)
- UN Transition Assistance Group (Namibia) (UNTAG)
- UN Observer Group in Central America (ONUCA)
- UN Iraq – Kuwait Observer Mission (UNIKOM)
- UN Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM)
- UN Protection Force (Yugoslavia) (UNPROFOR)
- UN Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC)
- UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC)
- UN Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM)
- UN Assistance Mission For Rwanda (UNAMIR)
- UN Mission in Haiti (UNMIH)
- International Force East Timor (INTERFET)
- Polar Medal
- Canadian Centennial Medal
- Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal
- 125 Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal
- Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal
- Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal
- King Charles III’s Coronation Medal
- Canadian Forces’ Decoration 3 Rosette
- Queen Elizabeth IIs Platinum Jubilee Medal (Provincial)